Reminder – Starting Today: DQA to contract out for Survey Services

Last week, WHCA/WiCAL shared with members the news from DQA the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA)  that the Agency has contracted with the firm Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS), to assist the Agency with performing nursing facility and hospital surveys.

DQA’s contract with HMS is effective as of September 1, 2022.

On Tuesday, August 30, DHS formally issued a notice to nursing facility and hospital operators of this development. That communication is reproduced at the bottom of this article.

RELATED: Sweeping Survey Changes are Coming – Will Your Nursing Facility be Ready?

DQA’s decision to contract out some of the survey function to HMS is intended to help the Agency reduce its survey backlog. DQA also expects to contract with a second firm in the very near future.

WHCA/WiCAL has already raised questions and shared provider concerns on this development with DQA. Questions surrounding the contract include process for survey, the term of the contract, and how survey might change with new contracted surveyors. Will contracted surveyors receive Wisconsin-specific training? How many contracted surveyors will be operating in Wisconsin? WHCA/WiCAL is awaiting more information from DQA and will report back to members.

For more information on HMS,  HMS Healthcare and Technology Services – HMS (

Below is the DHS communication to providers sent August 30, 2022:

Attn: Nursing Home Providers and Hospitals

Authorization to Conduct Mandatory Facility Surveys

Due to the unusually high number of complaints and inspections, the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) has secured the services of a private entity, Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS), to help conduct inspections in nursing homes and hospitals. Beginning September 1, 2022, HMS, as an agent of the Department of Health Services (DHS), will have unrestricted entry to facilities to conduct complaint investigations and recertification surveys, and ensure resident and patient care and services are provided, consistent with state statute, administrative code, and federal regulations.

HMS has extensive inspection experience, making them well qualified to assist in this capacity. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with HMS to conduct federal monitoring surveys in nursing homes, hospitals, dialysis centers, and other provider types. Upon arrival to your facility, HMS staff will provide you with identification and a letter authorizing HMS to function as an agent of DHS and conduct complaint investigations and surveys. Additional information about HMS is available at HMS Healthcare and Technology Services – HMS (


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Posted in Survey